Track your coffee: Transparency in effect
Track Your Coffee
From our roaster back to the farmer cooperative!
At JCC we're big promoters of transparency in business practices. Track your coffee from our roaster back to the farmer cooperative it came from. Follow these steps:
Step 1 - Get your code

Your code can be located on the bottom of your coffee bag.
Step 2 - Enter your code in the field below
Step 3 - View Your Results
Country of Origin | Roast Type | Roast Date | Int'l Lot Code | Per-lb paid | Link to Contract |
- Country of Origin
- Roast Type
- Date of roasting
- The international green coffee lot number
- The price-per-pound paid to the grower cooperative.
- Web-link to the contract under which the green coffee was purchased.
Occasionally we are missing a piece of information or it takes us a little time to post. If you cannot find a contract or other document, please let us know and we will do our best to fix the issue.
Does your coffee have "$$" as the price-per-pound?
Contract documentation may be missing on rare occasions when we or our importer need to purchase coffee on the "spot" market because of shipping delays, shortages, or other unforeseen circumstances. Although our usual price-transparency is absent in this case, these coffees are always certified fair trade and organic by the importer.
- Contract— This is the actual contract that we (Just Coffee and Cooperative Coffees) sign with the farmer cooperative. Coop Coffees is the importing cooperative that we are members and co-owners of – it is how we bring coffee into the U.S. and on to Madison. The first page includes price information, the name and address of the farmer co-op, and a number of other specifications about the coffee. The final price may not appear on this document, but should be available on the farmer coop’s invoice, which follows. If you do not see it clearly stated here (the document may not be in English), you can always divide the total invoice price by the weight of the lot to get the settled price per-pound.
- Invoice from Farmer Co-op-– This is the total number of pounds multiplied by the price per pound. It is the actual bill the farmer co-op sends us.
- Shipping Bill Of Lading-– This is the document that declares what is being shipped, where it is going, and any handling instructions.
- Organic Transaction Certificate— This comes from the farmer cooperative and serves as proof to us and our organic certifiers that the coffee was farmed organically.
Don’t see your coffee’s contract? We’re still working to receive images from all of our suppliers, but it’s not common practice in the industry (yet). We hope to have the problem resolved soon!